AppLog namespace

The namespace for AppLog plugin


Name Description
ERR_UNKNOWN Constant indicating the operation failed with unknown error.
STATUS_EVENT_CONNECTED Constant indicating an app log entry is associated with the client successfully connecting to the SUP server.
STATUS_EVENT_DISCONNECTED Constant indicating an app log entry is associated with the client losing connection to the SUP server.
STATUS_EVENT_DISCONNECTED_LOW_STORAGE Constant indicating an app log entry is associated with the client losing connection to the SUP server due to low storage.
STATUS_EVENT_DISCONNECTED_ROAMING Constant indicating an app log entry is associated with the client losing connection to the SUP server due to roaming.
STATUS_EVENT_FLIGHT_MODE Constant indicating an app log entry is associated with the client going into flight mode.
STATUS_EVENT_NOTIFICATION_RECEIVED Constant indicating an app log entry is associated with the client receiving a notification.
STATUS_EVENT_OUT_OF_NETWORK Constant indicating an app log entry is associated with the client going out of network.
STATUS_EVENT_REGISTRATION_STARTED Constant indicating an app log entry is associated with the client starting registration.
STATUS_EVENT_RESTART Constant indicating an app log entry is associated with restarting the client connection to the SUP server.
STATUS_EVENT_SET_DEFAULT_ITEM Constant indicating an app log entry is associated with a default app being set from the server.
STATUS_EVENT_SHUTDOWN Constant indicating an app log entry is associated with shutting down the client connection to the SUP server.
STATUS_EVENT_STARTUP Constant indicating an app log entry is associated with starting the client connection to the SUP server.
STATUS_EVENT_UNKNOWN Constant indicating an app log entry is associated with an unknown event.
STATUS_EVENT_UNSET_DEFAULT_ITEM Constant indicating an app log entry is associated with a default app being unset from the server.
STATUS_EVENT_WAITING_TO_CONNECT Constant indicating an app log entry is associated with the client waiting to connect to the SUP server.


Name Description
getLogEntries( successCB, errorCB ) Call this function to get an array of AppLog.LogEntry objects.
LogEntry( logDate, event, msg ) This object represents a log entry.
startLogListener( successCB, errorCB, logListener, [containingObject] ) Registers a log listener.
stopLogListener( successCB, errorCB, logListener, [containingObject] ) Removes a log listener.


Plugins/AppLog/applog.js, line 16.