Running Projects in Studio

In Studio, projects can be run on either a local or a remote cluster, using any of three methods of authentication, and multiple projects can be run simultaneously on different clusters and in separate workspaces.

A cluster consists of one or more workspaces, each with one or more projects. These projects can be running or stopped. All workspaces are within one server, which allows users to work with multiple projects simultaneously.

A local cluster allows users to work on projects from their local machine. Use a local cluster to develop and test a project, but do not use a local cluster in production. Internet access is not required. By default, clicking Run ESP Project runs the project on the local cluster. If the local cluster is not running, it is started automatically and you are prompted to create a local password. Keep the default user name "studio" and enter any password.
Note: The password you use is stored in memory and is valid for your entire Studio session. If you forget your password, shut down and restart Studio.

A remote cluster allows users to connect to a server that is more powerful than the default server. The ability to use manual input, playback, and other Studio features is available. A remote cluster also allows users to share a project within the cluster with other users.

To run a project on a remote cluster, the remote cluster connection must first be configured in Studio. The administrator of the remote cluster must start it outside of ESP Studio. Once the cluster is running, you can connect to it from Studio and run the project.