Connecting to an RSA-Enabled Server

Connect to a remote server using RSA authentication.

The system administrator must have provided the necessary elements for connecting to an RSA enabled server: RSA User, Keystore Password and RSA Keystore.
  1. In the Server View, select Studio Preferences > SAP Sybase Event Stream Processor Studio > Run Test > Security Settings.
    Studio displays the Security Settings screen.
  2. Enter the following information:
    • RSA User – Provide the user name of the keystore.
    • Keystore Password – Provide the password of the keystore.
    • RSA Keystore – Provide the name of the keystore file.
  3. Click Apply.
  4. Click Ok to exit Studio Preferences.
  5. Enter the following command to import the keystore to the PKCS12 type store:
    $JAVA_HOME/bin/keytool  -importkeystore -srckeystore keystore.jks  -destkeystore keystore.p12 -deststoretype PKCS12
    Creates a PKCS12 keystore.
  6. Enter the following command to extract a pem format private key:
    openssl pkcs12 -in keystore.p12 -out keystore.private -nodes
    Creates a private key.
  7. Copy the private key file to the directory where the keystore file is located.
  8. In the Server View, connect to a remote cluster using RSA authentication.