Manage SCC for SAP ASE using monitoring statistics and the SCC log.
Administration Console
Use the Administration Console to browse and manage the selected resources in a perspective.
Job Scheduling
A schedule defines a data collection job and specifies how often the job executes in your system.
You can configure SAP Control Center to notify you when a resource requires attention.
In SAP Control Center, a resource is a unique product component or subcomponent that supports monitoring and management by SCC. A server is the most common managed resource.
A perspective is a named container for a set of one or more managed resources. You can customize perspectives to provide the information you need about your environment.
Use views to manage one or more resources within a perspective.
Deploy, remove, refresh, or convert SAP Control Center server or agent instances running from an installation on a shared disk.
The SAP Control Center embedded repository stores information related to managed resources, as well as user preference data, operational data, and statistics.
Logging helps SAP Control Center administrators identify and track errors and other system events by recording messages about the events in log files.
SAP Control Center Console
The console is a command-line interface for displaying details about the status of the SAP Control Center server and its subsystems.