Submitting Diagnostic Data via E-mail Message

Submit field and optimizer diagnostic data to SAP Technical Support from the SAP Control Center Administration Console as an e-mail attachment.

Use this process only if you are using the Diagnostic Data wizard to specify e-mail notification information, or if you have already created a diagnostic data package and saved it to the SCC repository. If you do not set up your e-mail server information in your SCC framework before you configure the diagnostic data wizard, an error message will be shown on the Upload Options page when you select Send e-mail notification with the diagnostic data package, and you are not able to proceed to E-mail Notification page.
To access the E-mail Notification window:
  • While you are creating a diagnostic data package – select Send e-mail notification with the diagnostic data package in the Upload Options page in the Diagnostic Data wizard.
  • After you created a diagnostic data package and saved it to the SCC respotiroy – right-click the package record in the Diagnostic Data summary window, select Upload Packages, then select Send e-mail notification with the diagnostic data package.
In the E-mail Notification page, complete these fields:
Recipient E-mail
The recipient's e-mail address. By default, the value is, the SAP Technical Support address.
E-mail Subject
The subject title of the e-mail message.
Case Number
(Optional) Your case number, if your diagnostic data is related to a ticket you have already opened with SAP Technical Support.
Related tasks
Collecting Field Diagnostic Data
Collecting Optimizer Diagnostic Data
Uploading Diagnostic Data Via FTP
Deleting a Diagnostic Data File
Uploading Diagnostic Data Via FTP
Configuring the E-mail Server