Before starting QPTune, set these environment variables:
SYBASE_JRE6 and JAVA_HOME – to the Java runtime installation.
SYBASE – to the latest Sybase installation on your machine.
SYBASE_ASE – to the Adaptive Server component(directory) of the installation on your machine.
The QPTune executable is named QPTune on UNIX and QPTune.bat on Windows and is found in:
%SYBASE%\%SYBASE_ASE%\qptune, on Windows
For complete syntax and reference information on QPTune, see “QPTune reference information”.
To verify your environment and installation, and for information on basic syntax, run QPTune with the -h option:
QPTune –h
Sample output in a Windows environment:
QPTune <Version 3.0> Windows/Unix Built: Fri Jan 21 14:00:15 PDT 2009 Syntax: QPTune [-U <username>] [-P <password>] [-S <hostname:port/database>] [-A <action [start|collect(_full)|compare|fix|(start|collect|fix|undo_fix)_stats]>] [-M <mode>] [-T <appTime>] [-i <inputFile>] [-o <outputFile>] [-f <fileList(,)>] [-c <configFile>] [-l <limit>] [-e <evalField>] [-d <diff%(,diff_abs)>] [-m <missingCount>] [-n <login>] [-J <charset>] [-N (noexec)] [-g (applyOptgoal)][-v (verbose)] [-s (sort)] [-h (help)] Example: QPTune -U sa -P -S WUXP:5000/scenario -A collect -M allrows_mix -T 0 -o metrics.xml -c config.xml -e elap_avg -d 5,5 -l 5 -i metrics.xml -f a1.xml,a2.xml,a3.xml -v -s
Only users with sa_role and sso_role can run QPTune actions, except for compare, which may be run by any user.