WRITETEXT with no log is not valid at this time. Database %s must first be configured for this.
This error occurs when you try to execute the writetext command or dbwritetext routine in a database which does not have the sp_dboption option select into/bulkcopy enabled. Because these operations do not log the changes to your data, the option must be enabled.
Often, writetext and dbwritetext run against a temporary table. The select into/bulkcopy option must be enabled in tempdb before these will run successfully.
Enable the sp_dboption option select into/bulkcopy on all databases affected by the writetext just before you perform this nonlogged operation. To do this, the System Administrator or Database Owner can use the following steps:
Enable the option using this procedure:
1> use master 2> go
1> sp_dboption <database_name>, 2> "select into/bulkcopy", true 3> go
To verify that the change is active, enter:
1> sp_helpdb <database_name> 2> go
Execute the nonlogged operation.
When the nonlogged operation is complete, dump the database using normal system administration procedures.
Return the database to its original condition by disabling the select into/bulkcopy option:
1> use master 2> go
1> sp_dboption <database_name>, 2> "select into/bulkcopy", false 3> go
Repeat step 2 above if you want to verify that the change is active.
Refer to “writetext” in the Reference Manual: Commands and to “dbwritetext” in the “Routines” chapter of the Open Client DB-Library Reference Manual.
For more information about database dumps and recoverability, refer to “Developing a Backup and Recovery Plan” in the System Administration Guide: Volume 2.
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