Error 7220



Message text

Site '%s' not found in interfaces file.


When you execute a remote procedure call (RPC) from one Adaptive Server to another, the local interfaces file of the initiating Adaptive Server has to contain information about the remote Adaptive Server.

Error 7220 occurs in one of the following situations:


Eliminate the 7220 error by following the instructions that are appropriate to your situation.

The remote Adaptive Server is not in the local interfaces file

Use dsedit or dscp to check the items in the steps below:

The Backup Server is not listed in the interfaces file

The entry for the local Backup Server is created when you install Adaptive Server. If you have installed a remote Backup Server on another machine, choose one of these options to resolve the error:

Additional information

For more additional information, refer to the “allow remote access” configuration parameter in the System Administration Guide: Volume 1chapter “Setting Configuration Parameters,” and “interfaces file” in the Adaptive Server Enterprise installation and configuration guide for your platform.

Versions in which this error is raised

All versions