Verification failed for parameter '%s'.
Adaptive Server runs a verification check on configuration parameters in the following circumstances:
When you use sp_configure with the verify option to perform validation checking on the values in the configuration file you specify. This can help you avoid configuring Adaptive Server with invalid configuration values.
When you use sp_configure with the read option to perform validation checking on the values in the configuration file you specify and to read those values that pass validation into Adaptive Server. If any parameters are missing from the configuration file you specified, current values for those parameters are used.
Error 5849 occurs in situations when Adaptive Server detects a verification error for the parameter named in the error message.
Use sp_configure or edit your configuration file to correct the incorrect value for the parameter named in the error message. Run the verification check again to confirm that the problem has been corrected.
Refer to “Setting Configuration Parameters” in the System Administration Guide: Volume 1 for information about configuration parameters and files.
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