Error 12329



Message text

An attempt was made to fetch logical page `%d` for %S_PTNINFO. However, page belongs to a different partition (indid `%d` partitionid `%d`) of the same object. This indicates an ASE internal error and does not indicate data corruption.


While checking the validity of a page, Adaptive Server found a discrepancy on the partition ID. When the partition ID from the page matches an existing partition ID for the same table, error 12329 is raised. It does not indicate a data corruption, but indicates some Adaptive Server Enterprise internal error.


The action you take depends on the value of State in the error message:

Additional information

If the 12329 error persists, it may be necessary to gather a configurable shared memory dump (CSMD). See the section “Obtaining a CSMD” in the Troubleshooting and Disaster Recovery guide.

Versions in which this error is raised

Version 15.0 and later