Configuring a Text Data Provider component

  1. Drag Text Data Provider to the Design window.

  2. In the Text Data Provider component window, select the text file to use as a data source.

    The Text Data Provider component window lets you define the structural properties of data at the OUT-port. It includes:

Reading column names from a data file

  1. In the Output Port Content pane of the Text Data Provider component window, click the “Read column names from the data file” icon.

  2. Provide the line number of the record that contains the column heading. Click Enter to confirm.

    You can double click the column headings to edit the name of the column.

Skipping row delimiters

The line containing the column headings is not automatically skipped when the data is processed. To skip a specified number of rows at the beginning of the input table(s) for a load, enter a value in the “Skip First Rows” field.

If the rows to be skipped do not contain the same format as later rows; for example, if there is a “header” row with no column delimiters, while later rows all contain 5 columns, it is still counted as 1 row.

NoteQuoted row delimiters are not regarded as row delimiters.

Delimiter considerations

This section discusses the considerations to keep in mind when using quote characters, row and, column delimiters.

A value can have quote characters if:

If a value starts with a quote, everything up to the next quote delimiter combination is read, else everything up to the next delimiter is read. For example, if Column A is a single column of data, it can be quoted as “Column A”. However, quoting values in any of these ways is invalid:

If you have 2 columns of data, say “Column A” and “Column B,” which are separated by a comma Column Delimiter and a CRLF Row Delimiter:

Here are some examples of using quote characters and delimiters:

If you are using:

If the value from the source file is: