Text Data Provider properties list

Text Data Provider properties list identifies items about the structure of source files. Properties are initially set when you add the component to the project.

Required properties



Text Source

Identify the text file to use as the data source. You can select the data source when you add Text Data Provider to a project, or from the Properties window. To select a data source from the Properties window, click the Text Source icon, then select the file.


Define columns for the data in your source file.

Optional properties



Row Delimiter

Specify how each row is delimited:

  • Position (fixed line position)

  • LF (line feed)

  • CR (carriage return)

  • CRLF (carriage return followed by a line feed)

Alternatively, you can enter a different delimiter.

Row Length

Specify the number of characters in each fixed row, if you have selected Position as the Row Delimiter.

Column Delimiter

Specify how columns are delimited:

  • Position (fixed column positions)

  • Tab

  • Comma

  • Semicolon

Alternatively, you can enter a different delimiter.

Column Quote

Specify how the values in the source file are quoted:

  • None

  • Single quote

  • Double quote

Alternatively, enter a different quote character or string.

Fixed by Bytes

Specify how to interpret the values provided for line length, column start, and column end:

  • Not selected (default) – values are interpreted as number of characters.

  • Selected – the values are interpreted as number of bytes.

For example, suppose your source file includes abcÖÐÎÄ abcdef and has these characteristics:

  • File Type – Fixed (Variable Line)

  • Encoding – GB2312

  • Row delimiter – '\n'

  • Column definition – column1: 1-7; column 2: 9-10

If you select the Fixed by Bytes option:

  • Column 1 displays the first 7 bytes, abcÖÐÎÄ.

  • Column 2 displays the 9th and 10th bytes, ab.

If you do not select the Fixed by Bytes option:

  • Column 1 displays the first 7 characters, abcÖÐÎÄ a.

  • Column 2 displays the next 2 characters, cd.

Null Byte Substitute

Set the character to replace null bytes.

Skip Rows

Skip a specified number of rows in the row sequence.


Set the current character encoding.

Support Unicode

Set Unicode support.

Read Block Size

Determine the number of records retrieved by the component in a single step.

Read empty as NULL

Replace values read as “empty” with “null.”