The properties on the General tab, specify which tasks to perform. Table 3-2 defines the options that are common to all the tasks. Ant property names are provided in parentheses after the Management Console display name.
Property |
Description |
Task Action (taskAction) |
Select the action to perform:
After Failure Run (afterFailureRun) |
If the current task fails, select another task to perform. You can choose any of the tasks defined in Table 3-1 or a user-defined task. |
After Success Run (afterSuccessRun) |
Select another task to perform after the current task completes. You can choose any of the tasks defined in Table 3-1 or a user-defined task. |
Thread Monitor (threadMonitor) |
Select the thread monitor to use to perform the task. |
Wait After Failure (waitAfterFailure) |
If a task fails, the number of seconds to wait before allowing the task to run again. |
Wait After Success (waitAfterSuccess) |
If a task succeeds, the number of seconds to wait before allowing the task to run again. |
Log Execution (logExecution) |
Select to log scheduled task execution details. |
Random Wait Offset (randomWaitOffset) |
Select to randomize the intervals between running the task, to introduce variability. |
Table 3-3 defines optional properties that depend on the value of taskAction. Ant property names are provided in parentheses after the Management Console display name. These options are appropriate for predefined and user-defined tasks.
Option |
Description |
Component Method (componentMethod) |
If taskAction is runComponentMethod, specify the component method to run. The method must be void with no parameters. You can specify either:
Check File (checkFile) |
If the task action is checkFile, specify which file to check. |
Line Match (lineMatch) |
Enter the character string to search for in the file. |
Match if Count Exceeds (matchIfCountExceeds) |
Specify the number of lines in which the pattern must be found to constitute a match. |
Match if Delta Exceeds (matchIfDeltaExceeds) |
Specify the number of new lines—added since the last check—in which the pattern must be found to constitute a match. |
After Match Run (afterMatchRun) |
If a line match is found, select another task to perform. You can choose any of the tasks defined in Table 3-1. |
Wait After Match (waitAfterMatch) |
Specify the number of seconds to wait after a matching line is found before allowing the task to run again. |
Print File Tail (printFileTail) |
Specify the name of the log file. |
Maximum Tail Lines (maximumTailLines) |
Enter the maximum number of lines to print from the end of the file. |
Mail Session (mailSession) |
Specify the name of the mail session to use. |
From (mailFrom) |
Enter the sender’s e-mail address. |
To (mailTo) |
Enter the recipients’s e-mail address. |
Cc (mailCc) |
To send a carbon copy of a mail message, enter the recipient’s e-mail address. |
Subject (mailSubject) |
Enter the subject of the mail. |
Message (mailMessage) |
Enter the mail message body. |
Append Output From (appendOutputFrom) |
To append the output from a task as text in the mail message, select the task from those defined in Table 3-1. |
Attach Output From (attachOutputFrom) |
To include the output from a task as an attachment in the mail message, select the task from those defined in Table 3-1. |
Print File Head (printFileHead) |
Specify the name of the log file. |
Maximum Head Lines (maximumHeadLines) |
Enter the maximum number of lines to print from the beginning of the file. |