You can create scheduled tasks with the Management Console or by running an Ant configuration script.
The scheduled task properties specify which actions to perform and when to run the tasks.
Creating or modifying scheduled tasks with the Management Console
In the Management Console, expand the Scheduled Tasks folder.
To modify an existing task, highlight the task to configure.
To create a new task, right-click the Scheduled Tasks folder and choose Add from the context menu. The Add wizard runs. Specify the task name when prompted for it and click Finish.
The tasks properties display on tabbed pages in the right pane. Set the scheduled task options using these pages. Click Apply to save changes before moving between tabs.
Properties are described in “Task properties on the General tab” and “Task properties on the General tab”.
To run the task, follow the instructions in “Configuring scheduled tasks to run”
Creating or modifying scheduled tasks using Ant
In the EAServer config subdirectory, define an Ant configuration script with a configure target that calls the <setProperties> command to create an entity of type scheduledTask. For an example, see “Ant configuration example”.
The Ant property names are listed in Table 3-2, Table 3-3, and Table 3-4. Ant property names are provided in parentheses after the Management Console display name. Properties are also described in the HTML reference located in the following file in your installation:
Run the script with the configure command-line tool, specifying the base name of the configuration script as the argument.
To run the task, follow the instructions in “Configuring scheduled tasks to run”.