When you deploy a J2EE archive with the Management Console or the deploy utility, EAServer generates an Ant configuration script that creates the corresponding EAServer entities and configures them with settings read from the deployment descriptor.
Configuration scripts reside in the EAServer config subdirectory with a naming prefix based on the EJB archive type. Table 2-2 lists the configuration file names for each J2EE entity type. The default configuration contains settings that match the deployment descriptor. You can define user configuration files to override the default settings, or to perform configuration tasks beyond those that can be described in the deployment descriptor.
J2EE entity type |
Default configuration file |
User configuration file |
Application |
Application client |
Connector or resource adaptor |
EJB module (contains components deployed from a single EJB-JAR file) |
Web application |
CORBA package |
In Table 2-2, name represents the base name of the archive file from which the entities are deployed. For example, if you deploy EJB components from ejb1.jar, the corresponding configuration file is config/ejbjar-ejb1.xml. Deploying ejb1.jar creates a package that contains the components defined in the JAR file, and the configuration file contains settings to configure and generate code for the package and all the components inside it.
Do not edit generated configuration scripts. Changes
you make to the main configuration script are overwritten if you
redeploy the module. Customize the component properties by creating
a user configuration script with settings that override those in
the main script.
When you redeploy entities, existing configuration scripts are backed up to the config/old directory, with numeric suffixes appended to the file name. For example, ejbjar-foo.xml is backed up as ejbjar-foo.xml.1, ejbjar-foo.xml.2, and so forth. EAServer retains up to ten previous backups.