To customize the entity properties or component attributes in a module deployed from a J2EE archive, you can create a user-configuration script, which is called when you redeploy or reconfigure the module. You can also embed user configuration scripts in J2EE archives, to configure EAServer deployment settings that cannot be specified by deployment descriptor settings, such as creation of new security roles or binding components external to an EJB-JAR to EJB naming references in the module.
When you reconfigure or recompile entities deployed from J2EE modules, EAServer first calls the default (generated) Ant configuration script, then calls the user-configuration script. Therefore, settings in the user-configuration script override those in the Ant configuration script.
For J2EE entities, the user configuration script has the same
base name as the generated script listed in Table 2-2, with -user
For example, if the generated script is ejbjar-ejb1.xml,
the user configuration script is ejbjar-ejb1-user.xml.
You also use user-configuration scripts to automate the management of entities that are not deployed from J2EE archives such as data sources or JMS message queues.