User configuration scripts can be created manually or using the Management Console. To create scripts manually, use a text editor, an XML editor, or an IDE that understands Ant build files to create the script in the EAServer config subdirectory. See “Structure of a configuration script” for details.
The procedures below describe how to create scripts in the Management Console.
Creating a user-configuration script
for entities deployed from J2EE archives
To create a user-configuration script for a deployed application, EJB, or Web application module:
In the Management Console, select the module, right-click, and select Create User Configuration. A user-configuration script is created.
Right-click again, and select Refresh. The user-configuration script displays on the User Configuration tab.
Edit the values you want to change in the script. Click Apply to save your changes.
For the changes to take affect, perform the following:
Recompile the module by highlighting the module, right-clicking, and selecting Run Ant Recompile.
Refresh the module by highlighting the module, right-clicking, and selecting Refresh. EAServer applies the property changes and refreshes the entity implementations so the new behavior takes affect.
Creating configuration scripts for entities of
other types
All configuration files defined in the EAServer installation appear under the Configuration Files folder in the Management Console. You can create generic configuration files here to manage entities of any type. Create them as follows:
In the Management Console, right-click the Configuration Files folder and choose Add.
Run the Add wizard and specify a name for the new file.