Updating component properties

You can update component properties in the Management Console or by using command-line tools.

For deployed EJB modules, the Management Console displays properties on these tabbed pages:

You should modify component properties from a user configuration script rather than the default configuration script that is generated by deployment. If you modify the default script, redeployment overwrites your changes.

StepsCreating a user-configuration script with the Management Console

  1. Start the Management Console and connect to EAServer as described in Chapter 1, “Getting Started,”in the System Administration Guide.

  2. In the Management Console, expand the EJB Modules folder in the left pane and highlight the icon for your EJB package. The right frame displays the properties for the package.

  3. If the properties do not include a User Configuration tab, create the user configuration script as described in “Creating user-configuration scripts” in Chapter 2, “Ant-Based Configuration,” in the Automated Configuration Guide.

NoteYou can also embed a user-configuration script in your EJB-JAR file so that the settings are applied automatically when deploying. For details, see “Embedding configuration scripts in J2EE archives” in Chapter 2, “Ant-Based Configuration,” in the Automated Configuration Guide.

StepsModifying user-configuration properties with the Management Console

  1. Click the User Configuration tab to display the contents of the user-configuration script. Make required edits and click Apply to save your changes. For property descriptions, see “Commonly configured properties”.

  2. Follow the steps in “Configuring, recompiling, and refreshing components with the Management Console” to reload the components so the property changes take affect.

StepsUsing the Advanced tab in the Management Console

The Advanced tab allows you to modify properties in the configuration scripts graphically.

  1. Click the Advanced tab to display the graphical controls. Controls are provided for commonly configured properties such as name bindings. For property descriptions, see “Commonly configured properties”.

  2. If you change settings, click Apply to save the changes to the EAServer repository, then click Synchronize to apply the same changes to the configuration script. If you do not synchronize changes to the configuration script, your property changes can be undone by running the configure or recompile targets in the configuration scripts.

  3. Follow the steps in “Configuring, recompiling, and refreshing components with the Management Console” to reload the components so the property changes take affect.

StepsConfiguring, recompiling, and refreshing components with the Management Console

After modifying component properties, follow the steps below to update the generated code and reload the component implementation. You must do this before property changes take affect:

  1. In the left frame, right-click the icon for your EJB package and choose one of the following:

    • Configure, to apply the XML configuration file to the module and component properties.

    • Recompile, to apply the XML configuration file to the module and component properties and recreate generated classes.

  2. In the left frame, right-click the icon for your EJB package and choose Refresh. EAServer reloads the implementation classes and generated classes.

StepsUpdating component properties with the command line

  1. Use a text or XML editor to edit the contents of the user configuration file for your package, ejbjar-module-user.xml in the EAServer config directory, where module is the name of the package. For property descriptions, see “Commonly configured properties”.

  2. Run the recompile utility to apply the changes to the component and recreate generated classes. Alternatively, run the configure utility to update the component properties without regenerating affected code. See Chapter 12, “Command Line Tools,” in the System Administration Guide for details on these utilities.

  3. Run the refresh utility to reload the implementation classes and generated classes.