Interactive SQL Classic command window on Windows

After you start Interactive SQL Classic (dbisqlc) and connect to a database, the Interactive SQL Classic command window appears. The appearance and functionality of this window differ on UNIX and Windows systems. If you run Interactive SQL Classic on UNIX, skip to “Interactive SQL Classic command window on UNIX”

In Windows, the Interactive SQL Classic window is divided into three sections:

See Figure 3-2.

Figure 3-2: dbisqlc window on Windows

Shown is the dbisqlc window on Windows. It has a menu bar at the top with five drop-down menus: File, Edit, Command, Window and Help. The window has three sections, each of which has minimize, maximize, and close buttons in the upper right corner. From top to bottom the sections are Data, Statistics and Command. The Command section has an Execute button and a Stop button to the left of the text box.