dbisqlc Command window on UNIX

If you run Interactive SQL Classic on Windows, skip to “dbisqlc Command window on Windows”.

In UNIX, the dbisqlc window is divided into three sections:

If you follow the instructions in “Starting dbisqlc” correctly, you see the message “Connected to database” in the Statistics section.

Figure 2-2: dbisqlc window on UNIX

Shown is the dbisqlc window on UNIX. It has a menu bar at the top with six drop-down menus: File, Edit, Command, Window and Help. The window has three sections: Data, Statistics and Command. The Statistics pane shows the example Connected to database.

The dbisqlc command window on UNIX varies according to the operating system. For example, on Solaris systems, the Common Desktop Environment window differs from that on OpenWindows. The dbisqlc command window is divided into three subwindows. The top section is entitled Data, the middle Statistics, and the bottom section is Command, as shown in Figure 2-2.

Instructions in this chapter may tell you to choose items from pull-down menus. These menus are located at the top of the screen.