UltraLite utilities

UltraLite includes a set of utilities that are designed to perform basic database administration activities at a command prompt. Many of these utilities share a similar functionality to the SQL Anywhere Server utilities. However, the way options are used can vary. Always refer to the UltraLite reference documentation for the UltraLite implementation of these options.


Options for the utilities documented in this section are case sensitive, unless otherwise noted. Type options exactly as they are displayed.

Supported exit codes
Interactive SQL for UltraLite utility (dbisql)
SQL preprocessor for UltraLite utility (sqlpp)
UltraLite Engine utility (uleng12)
UltraLite Engine Stop utility (ulstop)
UltraLite Erase utility (ulerase)
UltraLite Information utility (ulinfo)
UltraLite Initialize Database utility (ulinit)
UltraLite Load XML to Database utility (ulload)
UltraLite Synchronization utility (ulsync)
Synchronization profile options
UltraLite Database Unload utility (ulunload)
UltraLite Validate Database utility (ulvalid)