A conflict with the dbmlsync download phase was detected
A CONTAINS query is not allowed on the view or derived table '%1'
A dbspace has reached its maximum file size
A geometry with SRID=%1 is not supported for method %2
A geometry with SRID=%1 is not supported when computing distance between non-point geometries
A log is required for IQ databases
A row cannot be stored because it exceeds the database page size
A row was dropped because it could not be converted to the new schema format
A schema upgrade is not currently allowed
A synchronization schema change is already in progress
A thread used internally could not be started
A tracing connection is already active
A transaction log file is required for auditing
A user name must be specified if AUTHORIZATION is Off
A workload capture (%1) is already in progress
Aggregated expression '%1' contains multiple columns of which one or more are outer references
Alias '%1' is not unique
All column reference arguments must refer to the same table
All threads are blocked
ALTER clause conflict
An attempt to decrypt database '%1' failed
An attempt to delete database '%1' failed
An attempt to encrypt database '%1' failed
An expression of type %1 is not union-compatible with type %2
An incremental refresh is not possible when handles are exhausted
An input string in '%1' format cannot be used here
An internal error has occurred in the spatial library
An internal error was generated by the test harness
An invalid multi-byte input character was encountered when converting from %1 to %2
An invalid multi-byte input character was encountered when converting from %1 to %2
An ST_CircularString can not be constructed from %1 points (near '%2')
Another connection has already registered as '%1'
Another connection has the row in '%1' locked
Argument "%1" must be a column reference
Argument %1 of procedure '%2' cannot be NULL
Argument to GROUPING aggregate must be a grouping column in the GROUP BY clause
At least one of the specified dbspaces was not calibrated
ATTACH TRACING could not connect to the tracing database
ATTACH TRACING TO LOCAL DATABASE cannot be used with a strongly encrypted database
Attempt to start a second snapshot in a transaction
Attempt to use snapshot isolation in a non-snapshot transaction
Attempted two active database requests
Authentication failed
Authentication violation
Automatic database upgrade applied
BACKUP clause '%1' conflicts with '%2'
Backup file '%1' already exists
Backup file format is invalid
Backup is unable to open database file '%1'
Backward scrolling cursors are not supported for remote objects
Calling functions outside the database server is not supported
Can not convert from %1 to %2 (near %3)
Can not treat value '%1' as type %2. The dynamic type is %3
Can only describe a SELECT statement
Cannot access a table that is part of a text index
Cannot access file '%1' -- %2
Cannot access schema file '%1'
Cannot add a comment to a table declared as LOCAL TEMPORARY
Cannot allocate System V resources
Cannot alter a column in an index
Cannot alter or drop a text configuration referenced by a text index
Cannot append when using compression or encryption
Cannot assign automatic mirror server parent
Cannot change synchronization user_name when status of the last upload is unknown
Cannot change the MobiLink remote id when the status of the last upload is unknown
Cannot close a remote JDBC connection that is not the current connection
Cannot commit or rollback while enlisted in a transaction
Cannot connect to mirror server. Use server name '%1' to find the primary server
Cannot convert %1 to a %2
Cannot convert %1 to a %2. The bad value was supplied for column '%3' on row %4 of the data file
Cannot convert between requested character set '%1' and database character set '%2'
Cannot convert between requested character sets '%1' and '%2'
Cannot create a materialized view because option '%1' has an inappropriate setting
Cannot create an index on Java class '%1'
Cannot create item (%1) in the specified dbspace
Cannot create synchronization entry for table '%1' with BLOB primary key
Cannot create text configuration '%1' because option '%2' has an inappropriate setting
Cannot delete or rename a column referenced in a trigger definition
Cannot delete PUBLIC option '%1' since user settings exist
Cannot deregister '%1' since active registered connection exists
Cannot deregister application because of invalid cookie
Cannot deserialize Java object
Cannot drop a user that owns messages or data types
Cannot drop a user that owns objects involved in replication
Cannot drop a user that owns text configurations
Cannot drop last unique index of an immediate materialized view
Cannot drop or modify object '%1' because at least one other object ( %2 '%3') depends upon it
Cannot enlist in a transaction while already enlisted in a transaction
Cannot enlist in a transaction with uncommitted data pending
Cannot find index named '%1'
Cannot find synchronization subscription with the name '%1'
Cannot find synchronization user with the name '%1'
Cannot force failover when current server is marked as preferred
Cannot handle expressions involving remote tables inside stored procedures
Cannot initialize IQ memory manager: %1
Cannot insert or update computed column '%1'
Cannot map a login ID to the sys or public user ID
Cannot modify column '%1' in table '%2'
Cannot modify publication entry using ALTER SYNCHRONIZATION
Cannot modify synchronization entry using ALTER PUBLICATION
Cannot open transaction log file -- %1
Cannot output the histogram for string column '%1'
Cannot register '%1' since another exclusive instance is running
Cannot register '%1' since registration cookie exhausted
Cannot register another '%1' as an exclusive application
Cannot register connection because of invalid application cookie
Cannot register connection to '%1' since automatic label exhausted
Cannot remove class '%1': member of JAR
Cannot return NULL result as requested data type
Cannot revoke these permissions while user '%1' is actively replicating transactions
Cannot serialize Java object with class '%1'
Cannot set a temporary option for user '%1'
Cannot set database option "%1" because it is on the options watch list
Cannot specify range that excludes next value for sequence %1
Cannot stop the database server
Cannot subscribe to '%1'
Cannot synchronize table '%1' since it does not have a primary key
Cannot uniquely identify rows in cursor
Cannot update an expression
Cannot update column '%1' since it appears in the ORDER BY clause
Cannot update column '%1' since it does not appear in the SELECT clause
Cannot update materialized view because option '%1' has an inappropriate setting
Cannot update multiple tables immediate materialized view %1 depends on
Cannot update or delete an all-NULL row from table '%1'
Cannot update primary key for table '%1' involved in a publication
Cannot use materialized view '%1' because it has not yet been initialized
Cannot use view '%1' because it has been disabled
Cannot use view '%1' because it is invalid
CDATA has a name
Character conversion error or warning report is not available when the single-byte converter is used
Character set conversion to '%1' cannot be performed; '%2' is used instead
Character substitution occurred when converting from %1 to %2
Character substitution was required when converting from %1 to %2
CHECKPOINT statement requires a rollback log
Checksums are not enabled in this database
CircularString with 3 points has been converted to use 5 points
Class '%1' has no public field '%2'
Clause '%1' has invalid attribute '%2'
Client application disallowed the transfer of data ('%1')
Client application does not allow transfer of data ('%1')
Client library reported a permissions error accessing object ('%1') during transfer
Client library reported an error accessing data during transfer ('%1')
Client library reported an error opening object ('%1') during transfer
Client out of memory
Client redirected more than once
Client/database server version mismatch
Client/server communications protocol version mismatch
Collation '%1' not supported on this platform
Column '%1' found in more than one table or it is used more than once in the select list -- it needs a correlation name
Column '%1' in foreign key has a different definition than primary key
Column '%1' in table '%2' cannot be NULL
Column '%1' in table '%2' cannot be NULL. The invalid data was supplied to LOAD TABLE in a data file on line %3
Column '%1' not found
Column '%1' not found in table '%2'
Column '%1' not part of any indexes in its containing table
Column must be named: %1
Column subset for table '%1' in publication '%2' does not match that specified in publication '%3'
COMMIT/ROLLBACK not allowed within atomic operation
COMMIT/ROLLBACK not allowed within trigger actions
Communication error
Composite ORDER BY not allowed with RANGE
Compression error: %1
Computed columns are not supported in this database
Configuration cannot not be modified while in use
Conflicting INSTEAD OF trigger and WITH CHECK OPTION on view '%1'
Connection attempting BACKUP has uncommitted transactions
Connection disallowed by login policy for this user
Connection error: %1
Connection is not allowed to have table locks when executing this statement
Connection not found
Connection timed out
Connection was terminated
Connections to database have been disabled
Constant expressions must not appear in GROUP BY clause
Constraint '%1' not found
Constraint '%1' violated: Invalid value for column '%2' in table '%3'
Constraint '%1' violated: Invalid value in table '%2'
Contents of backup files are inconsistent
Control character in XML output
Coordinate bounds missing for coordinate %1
Correlation name '%1' is not valid for use with the ROWID function
Correlation name '%1' not found
Could not access column information for the table '%1'
Could not allocate resources to call external function
Could not create a new text index for this table with the same settings as "%1"
Could not create a text index with external prefilter library on column "%1"
Could not create a text index without external prefilter library on column "%1"
Could not decompress class '%1' from JAR
Could not execute backup/restore DLL (%1) entry point
Could not execute store DLL (%1) entry point
Could not find '%1' in dynamic library '%2'
Could not initialize the encryption DLL: '%1'
Could not load dynamic library '%1'
Could not load the backup/restore DLL "%1"
Could not load the encryption DLL "%1"
Could not load the store DLL "%1"
Could not refresh tracing: at least one enabled tracing level must be specified
Could not refresh tracing: failed to find object %1 on row %2
Could not refresh tracing: invalid tracing specification on sa_diagnostic_tracing_level row %1
Could not refresh tracing: volatile_statistics have to be collected in order for %1 specified on row %2 to be collected
CREATE/DROP STATISTICS statement cannot refer to virtual tables
Creating remote tables with computed columns is not supported
Current connection is already registered to '%1' as '%2'
Cursor already open
Cursor has not been declared
Cursor is restricted to FETCH NEXT operations
Cursor not in a valid state
Cursor not open
Cursor option values changed
Curve contains nearly antipodal points %1 and %2 (near '%3')
Cycle in common table expression references
Cycle in computed column dependencies
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