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ST_GEOMETRY_COLUMNS consolidated view

Each row of the ST_GEOMETRY_COLUMNS system view describes a spatial column defined in the database.

Column name Data type Description
table_catalog VARCHAR(128) For internal use.
table_schema CHAR(128) The name of the schema to which the table containing the spatial column belongs. This is equivalent to the table owner.
table_name CHAR(128) The name of the table containing the spatial column.
column_name CHAR(128) The name of the spatial column.
srs_name CHAR(128) The name of the SRS that is associated with the spatial column. If an SRS is not associated with the column, then srs_name is NULL. See Spatial reference systems (SRS) and Spatial reference identifiers (SRID).
srs_id INTEGER The SRID for the SRS associated with the spatial column. See Spatial reference systems (SRS) and Spatial reference identifiers (SRID).
table_id UNSIGNED INT The numeric identifier for the table containing the column.
column_id UNSIGNED INT The numeric identifier for the column.
geometry_type_name VARCHAR(32767) The spatial data type of the geometries contained in the column (for example, ST_Point, ST_Geometry, and so on. See Supported spatial data types and their hierarchy.