Each row of the ST_SPATIAL_REFERENCE_SYSTEMS system view describes an SRS defined in the database. This view offers a slightly different amount of information than the SYSSPATIALREFERENCESYSTEM system view.

Column name Data type Description
object_id UNSIGNED BIGINT For system use only.
owner UNSIGNED INT The owner of the SRS.
srs_name CHAR(128) The name of the SRS.
srs_id INT The numeric identifier (SRID) for the spatial reference system.
srs_type CHAR(11)

The type of SRS as defined by the SQL/MM standard. Values can be one of:

  • GEOGRAPHIC   This is for SRSs based on georeferenced coordinate systems with axes of latitude, longitude (and elevation). These SRSs are of type PLANAR or ROUND EARTH.

  • PROJECTED   This is for SRSs based on georeferenced coordinate systems that do not have axes of latitude and longitude. These SRSs are of type PLANAR.

  • ENGINEERING   This is for SRSs based on non-georeferenced coordinate systems. These SRSs are of type PLANAR.

  • GEOCENTRIC   Unsupported.

  • COMPOUND   Unsupported.

  • VERTICAL   Unsupported.

If srs_type is empty, the type is unspecified.

round_earth CHAR(1) Whether the SRS type is ROUND EARTH (Y) or PLANAR (N).
axis_order CHAR(12) Describes how the database server interprets points with regards to latitude and longitude (for example when using the ST_Lat and ST_Long methods). For non-geographic spatial reference systems, the axis order is x/y/z/m. For geographic spatial reference systems, the default axis order is long/lat/z/m; lat/long/z/m is also supported.
snap_to_grid DOUBLE Defines the size of the grid SQL Anywhere uses when performing calculations.
tolerance DOUBLE Defines the precision to use when comparing points.
semi_major_axis DOUBLE Distance from center of the ellipsoid to the equator for a ROUND EARTH SRS.
semi_minor_axis DOUBLE Distance from center of the ellipsoid to the poles for a ROUND EARTH SRS.
inv_flattening DOUBLE

The inverse flattening used for the ellipsoid in a ROUND EARTH SRS. This is a ratio created by the following equation:

1/f = (semi-major-axis) / (semi-major-axis - semi-minor-axis)
min_x DOUBLE The minimum x value allowed in coordinates.
max_x DOUBLE The maximum x value allowed in coordinates.
min_y DOUBLE The minimum y value allowed in coordinates.
max_y DOUBLE The maximum y value allowed in coordinates.
min_z DOUBLE The minimum z value allowed in coordinates.
max_z DOUBLE The maximum z value allowed in coordinates.
min_m DOUBLE The minimum m value allowed in coordinates.
max_m DOUBLE The maximum m value allowed in coordinates.
min_lat DOUBLE The minimum latitude value allowed for coordinates.
max_lat DOUBLE The maximum latitude value allowed for coordinates.
min_long DOUBLE The minimum longitude value allowed in coordinates.
max_long DOUBLE The maximum longitude value allowed in coordinates.
organization LONG VARCHAR The name of the organization that created the coordinate system used by the spatial reference system.
organization_coordsys_id INT The ID given to the coordinate system by the organization that created it.
linear_unit_of_measure CHAR(128) The linear unit of measurement used by the SRS.
angular_unit_of_measure CHAR(128) The angular unit of measurement used by the SRS.
polygon_format LONG VARCHAR The orientation of the rings in a polygon. One of CounterClockwise, ClockWise, or EvenOdd.
storage_format LONG VARCHAR Whether the data is stored in normalized format (Internal), unnormalized format (Original), or both (Mixed).
definition LONG VARCHAR Additional definition settings.
transform_definition LONG VARCHAR Transform definition settings for use when transforming data from this SRS to another.
description LONG VARCHAR Description of the SRS.
 See also