SetServerSyncListener method

Specifies the listener object used to process the specified server synchronization message.

Visual Basic
Public Sub SetServerSyncListener( _
   ByVal messageName As String, _
   ByVal appClassName As String, _
   ByVal listener As ULServerSyncListener _
public void SetServerSyncListener(
   string  messageName,
   string  appClassName,
   ULServerSyncListener listener
  • messageName   The name of the message.

  • appClassName   The unique class name for the application. This is a unique identifier used to identify the application.

  • listener   The ULServerSyncListener object. Use null (Nothing in Visual Basic) to remove the previous listener.


The parameter appClassName is the unique identifier used to identify the application. The application may only use one appClassName at a time. While a listener is registered with a particular appClassName, calls to SetServerSyncListener or SetActiveSyncListener with a different appClassName fail.

To remove the listener for a particular message, call SetServerSyncListener with a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) as the listener parameter.

To remove all listeners, call SetServerSyncListener with a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) for all parameters.

Applications should remove all listeners before exiting.


For an example of SetServerSyncListener, see ServerSyncInvoked method.

See also