ULCommand members

Public constructors
Member name Description

ULCommand constructors

Initializes a new instance of the ULCommand class.

Public properties
Member name Description

CommandText property

Specifies the text of the SQL statement or the name of the table when the ULCommand.CommandType is System.Data.CommandType.TableDirect. For parameterized statements, use a question mark (?) placeholder to pass parameters.

CommandTimeout property

This feature is not supported by UltraLite.NET.

CommandType property

Specifies the type of command to be executed.

Connection property

The connection object on which to execute the ULCommand object.

DesignTimeVisible property

Indicates if the ULCommand should be visible in a customized Windows Form Designer control.

IndexName property

UL Ext.: Specifies the name of the index to open (sort) the table with when the ULCommand.CommandType is System.Data.CommandType.TableDirect.

Parameters property

Specifies the parameters for the current statement.

Plan property

UL Ext.: Returns the access plan UltraLite.NET uses to execute a query. This property is intended primarily for use during development.

Transaction property

Specifies the ULTransaction in which the ULCommand executes.

UpdatedRowSource property

Specifies how command results are applied to the DataRow when used by the Update method of the ULDataAdapter.

Public methods
Member name Description

BeginExecuteNonQuery methods

Initiates the asynchronous execution of a SQL statement that is described by this ULCommand, given a callback procedure and state information.

BeginExecuteReader methods

Initiates the asynchronous execution of a SQL statement that is described by this ULCommand, and retrieves the result set.

Cancel method

This method is not supported in UltraLite.NET.

CreateParameter method

Provides a ULParameter object for supplying parameters to ULCommand objects.

EndExecuteNonQuery method

Finishes asynchronous execution of a SQL statement.

EndExecuteReader method

Finishes asynchronous execution of a SQL statement, returning the requested ULDataReader.

ExecuteNonQuery method

Executes a statement that does not return a result set, such as a SQL INSERT, DELETE, or UPDATE statement.

ExecuteReader methods

Executes a SQL SELECT statement and returns the result set.

ExecuteResultSet methods

UL Ext.: Executes a SQL SELECT statement and returns the result set as a ULResultSet.

ExecuteScalar method

Executes a SQL SELECT statement and returns a single value.

ExecuteTable methods

UL Ext.: Retrieves in a ULTable a database table for direct manipulation. The ULCommand.CommandText is interpreted as the name of the table and ULCommand.IndexName can be used to specify a table sorting order.

Prepare method

Pre-compiles and stores the SQL statement of this command.

See also