ULResultSet class

UL Ext.: Represents an editable result set in an UltraLite database.

Visual Basic
Public Class ULResultSet
  Inherits ULDataReader
public class ULResultSet: ULDataReader

There is no constructor for this class. ResultSets are created using the ULCommand.ExecuteResultSet() method of the ULCommand class.

' Visual Basic
Dim cmd As ULCommand = new ULCommand( _
    "SELECT emp_id FROM employee", conn _
Dim resultSet As ULResultSet = cmd.ExecuteResultSet()

// C#
ULCommand cmd = new ULCommand(
    "SELECT emp_id FROM employee", conn
ULResultSet resultSet = cmd.ExecuteResultSet();

A ULResultSet object represents an editable result set on which you can perform positioned updates and deletes. For fully editable result sets, use ULCommand.ExecuteTable() or a ULDataAdapter.

Inherits: ULDataReader

Implements: System.Data.IDataReader, System.Data.IDataRecord, System.IDisposable

See also

ULResultSet members
AppendBytes method
AppendChars method
Delete method
SetBoolean method
SetByte method
SetBytes method
SetDBNull method
SetDateTime method
SetDecimal method
SetDouble method
SetFloat method
SetGuid method
SetInt16 method
SetInt32 method
SetInt64 method
SetString method
SetTimeSpan method
SetToDefault method
SetUInt16 method
SetUInt32 method
SetUInt64 method
Update method