CommandText property

Specifies the text of the SQL statement or the name of the table when the ULCommand.CommandType is System.Data.CommandType.TableDirect. For parameterized statements, use a question mark (?) placeholder to pass parameters.

Visual Basic
Public Overrides Property CommandText As String
public override string  CommandText { get; set; }
Property value

A string specifying the text of the SQL statement or the name of the table. The default is an empty string (invalid command).


SELECT statements are marked as read-only by default for performance reasons. If the query is going to be used to make updates, the statement must end with " FOR UPDATE".


The following example demonstrates the use of the parameterized placeholder:

' Visual Basic
myCmd.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE CustomerID = ?"

// C#
myCmd.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE CustomerID = ?";
See also