ULValue class

public ULValue

ULValue class class.

The ULValue class class is a wrapper for the data types stored in an UltraLite cursor. This class allows you to store data without having to worry about the data type, and is used to pass values to and from the UltraLite C++ Component.

ULValue class contains many constructors and cast operators, so you can use ULValue class seamlessly (in most cases) without explicitly instantiating a ULValue class.

You can construct the object or assign it from any basic C++ data type. You can also cast it into any basic C++ data type.

   x( 5 );       ULValue// Example of ULValue's constructor
   y = 5;        ULValue// Example of ULValue's assignment operator
  int z = y;            // Example of ULValue's cast operator

This sample works for strings as well:

   x( UL_TEXT( ULValue"hello" ) );
   y = UL_TEXT( ULValue"hello" );
  y.( buffer, BUFFER_LEN );    GetString// NOTE, there is no cast operator

You do not need to explicitly construct a ULValue class object as the compiler often does this automatically. For example, to fetch a value from a column, you can use the following:

  int x = table->Get( UL_TEXT( "my_column" ) );

The table->Get() call returns a ULValue class object. C++ automatically calls the cast operator to convert it to an integer. Similarly, the table->Get() call takes a ULValue class parameter as the column identifier. This determines which column to fetch. C++ automatically converts the "my_column" literal string into a ULValue class object.


All members of ULValue, including all inherited members.

GetBinary function
GetBinary function
GetBinaryLength function
GetCombinedStringItem function
GetCombinedStringItem function
GetString function
GetString function
GetStringLength function
InDatabase function
IsNull function
SetBinary function
SetString function
SetString function
StringCompare function
ULValue function
ULValue function
ULValue function
ULValue function
ULValue function
ULValue function
ULValue function
ULValue function
ULValue function
ULValue function
ULValue function
ULValue function
ULValue function
ULValue function
ULValue function
ULValue function
ULValue function
ULValue function
ULValue function
ULValue function
ULValue function
GUID operator
bool operator
double operator
float operator
int operator
long operator
short operator
ul_s_big operator
ul_u_big operator
unsigned char operator
unsigned int operator
unsigned long operator
unsigned short operator
operator= function
~ULValue function