Publications synchronization parameter

Specifies the publications to be synchronized.


The syntax varies depending on the API you use. You can also use this parameter with ulsync.


Synchronize all publications.


When synchronizing in C/C++, set the publications synchronization parameter to a publication list: a comma-separated list of publication names.

See also

ulsync can set this parameter as an extended synchronization parameter as follows:

ulsync -c DBF=myuldb.udb "MobiLinkUid=remoteA;ScriptVersion=2;Publications=UL_PUB_MYPUB1,UL_PUB_MYPUB2;Stream=http"

UltraLite for C/C++ applications can set the parameter as follows:

ul_synch_info info;
// ...
info.publications = UL_TEXT( "Pubs1,Pubs3" );