Working with UltraLite publications

A publication is a database object that identifies the data that is to be synchronized. If you want to synchronize all tables and all rows of those tables in your UltraLite database, do not create any publications.

A publication consists of a set of articles. Each article may be an entire table, or may be rows in a table. You can define this set of rows with a WHERE clause (except with HotSync on Palm OS).

Each database can have multiple publications, depending on the synchronization logic you require. For example, you may want to create a publication for high-priority data. The user can synchronize this data over high-speed wireless networks. Because wireless networks can have usage costs associated with them, you would want to limit these usage fees to those that are business-critical only. All other less time-sensitive data could be synchronized from a cradle at a later time.

You create publications using Sybase Central or with the CREATE PUBLICATION statement. In Sybase Central, all publications and articles appear in the Publications folder.

Usage notes
  • UltraLite publications do not support the definition of column subsets, nor the SUBSCRIBE BY clause. If columns in an UltraLite table do not exactly match tables in a SQL Anywhere consolidated database, use MobiLink scripts to resolve those differences.

  • The publication determines which columns are selected, but it does not determine the order in which they are sent. Columns are always sent in the order in which they were defined in the CREATE TABLE statement.

  • You do not need to set a table synchronization order in a publication. If table order is important for your deployment, you can set the table order when you synchronize the UltraLite database by setting the Table Order synchronization parameter.

  • Because object ownership is not supported in UltraLite, any user can delete a publication.

See also

Publishing whole tables in UltraLite
Publishing a subset of rows from an UltraLite table
Dropping a publication for UltraLite