ul_synch_info_a struct

The structure used to describe synchronization data.

public ul_synch_info_a
Name Type Description
additional_parms const char *

A string of additional synchronization parameters coded as a semicolon delimited list of keyword=value pairs. This field usually contains synchronization parameters that are infrequently used. See Additional Parameters synchronization parameter.

auth_parms char **

An array of authentication parameters in MobiLink events.

auth_status ul_auth_status

The status of MobiLink user authentication. The MobiLink server provides this information to the client.

auth_value ul_s_long

The results of a custom MobiLink user authentication script. The MobiLink server provides this information to the client to determine the authentication status.

download_only ul_bool

Do not upload any changes from the UltraLite database during the current synchronization.

ignored_rows ul_bool

The status of ignored rows. This read-only field reports true if any rows were ignored by the MobiLink server during synchronization because of absent scripts.

init_verify ul_synch_info_a *

Initialize verification.

keep_partial_download ul_bool

When a download fails because of a communications error during synchronization, this parameter controls whether UltraLite holds on to the partial download rather than rolling back the changes.

new_password char *

A string specifying a new MobiLink password associated with the user name. This parameter is optional.

num_auth_parms ul_byte

The number of authentication parameters being passed to authentication parameters in MobiLink events.

observer ul_synch_observer_fn

A pointer to a callback function or event handler that monitors synchronization. This parameter is optional.

partial_download_retained ul_bool

When a download fails because of a communications error during synchronization, this parameter indicates whether UltraLite applied those changes that were downloaded rather than rolling back the changes.

password char *

A string specifying the existing MobiLink password associated with the user name. This parameter is optional.

ping ul_bool

Confirm communications between the UltraLite client and the MobiLink server. When this parameter is set to true, no synchronization takes place.

publications const char *

A comma separated list of publications indicating what data to include in the synchronization.

resume_partial_download ul_bool

Resume a failed download. The synchronization does not upload changes; it only downloads those changes that were to be downloaded in the failed download.

send_column_names ul_bool

Instructs the application that column names should be sent to the MobiLink server in the upload.

send_download_ack ul_bool

Instructs the MobiLink server whether the client will provide a download acknowledgement.

stream const char *

The MobiLink network protocol to use for synchronization.

stream_error ul_stream_error

The structure to hold communications error reporting information.

stream_parms char *

The options to configure the network protocol you selected.

upload_ok ul_bool

The status of data uploaded to the MobiLink server. This field reports true if upload succeeded.

upload_only ul_bool

Do not download any changes from the consolidated database during the current synchronization. This can save communication time, especially over slow communication links.

user_data ul_void *

Make application-specific information available to the synchronization observer. This parameter is optional.

user_name char *

A string that the MobiLink server uses to identify a unique MobiLink user.

version char *

The version string allows an UltraLite application to choose from a set of synchronization scripts.


Synchronization parameters control the synchronization behavior between an UltraLite database and the MobiLink server. The Stream Type synchronization parameter, User Name synchronization parameter, and Version synchronization parameter are required. If you do not set them, the synchronization function returns an error (SQLE_SYNC_INFO_INVALID or its equivalent). You can only specify one of Download Only, Ping, or Upload Only at a time. If you set more than one of these parameters to true, the synchronization function returns an error (SQLE_SYNC_INFO_INVALID or its equivalent).