Consolidated databases

  • DB2 mainframe now supported as a consolidated database   MobiLink has long supported DB2 LUW (Linux, Unix, and Windows) as a consolidated database. Now it also supports DB2 mainframe.

    See IBM DB2 mainframe consolidated database.

  • MySQL now supported as a consolidated database   MobiLink now supports MySQL as a consolidated database.

    See MySQL consolidated database.

  • MobiLink System Database (MLSD)    Support has been added for a separate database to hold MobiLink system data (MLSD - MobiLink System Database). This feature must be used with Microsoft DTC (Distributed Transaction Coordinator). See -cs option.

New system objects
iAnywhere Solutions Oracle driver
  • Oracle DSN can store an encrypted password   When creating an Oracle ODBC DSN in the Windows ODBC Administrator, you can now choose to encrypt the password that is stored in the DSN. See iAnywhere Solutions Oracle driver.

  • Oracle ODBC driver supports Microsoft distributed transactions   The Oracle ODBC driver now supports Microsoft distributed transactions. In the Windows ODBC Administrator, select Enable Microsoft distributed transactions and make sure that the appropriate DLL is installed with the Oracle client. See iAnywhere Solutions Oracle driver.