
Stores rules that define how clients should handle script errors.




INTEGER. Identifies the script to which this rule applies. This value references the script_id in the ml_passthrough_script table.


INTEGER. The error code that this rule handles.


INTEGER. The script_id defined in the ml_passthrough_script table, representing the repair script. If the action is R, this value identifies the script with which to replace the failed script. The value refers to the script_id column of the ml_passthrough_script table. If the action is S, P, or H, the value is null.


CHAR(1). The action to perform on the client when the script fails. This value must be one of the following:

  • R   (replace) Indicates that the failed script should be replaced with the one specified by new script name and an attempt should be made to run the new script. To rerun the failed script, choose new script name to be the same as failed script name.

  • P   (purge) Indicates that the remote database should discard all the scripts that it has received and continue executing script normally after that.

  • S   (skip) Indicates that the remote database should ignore the failed script and continue executing scripts as if the failed script had succeeded.

  • H   (halt) Indicates that the remote should not execute any more scripts until it receives further instructions.


You can use the system procedures ml_add_passthrough_repair and ml_delete_passthrough_repair to add, modify, and delete entries in this table.

For DB2 mainframe consolidated database types, this table is called ml_pt_repair. See IBM DB2 mainframe system table name conversions.


PRIMARY KEY( failed_script_id, error_code )

FOREIGN KEY( failed_script_id ) REFERENCES ml_passthrough_script( script_id )

See also