ml_add_passthrough system procedure

Use this system procedure to identify remote databases that should execute a script. This procedure adds an entry to the ml_passthrough system table. If an entry with the given remote_id and run_order already exists in the table, this procedure updates the entry.

ml_add_passthrough ( 




VARCHAR(128). The remote ID of the database that should execute the script. This value can be a valid remote ID in the ml_database table to apply to a specific client, or null to apply to all the script clients listed in the ml_database table.


Be very careful when applying a script to all, or even many, remotes. A poorly written script can leave most of even all of your remotes damaged or disabled.


VARCHAR(128). The name of the script being subscribed to. This value must be a valid script name defined in the ml_passthrough_script table.


INTEGER. The run_order parameter determines the order in which scripts are applied on the remote database. Scripts are always applied in order by run_order. Each remote stores the run_order of the last script that it attempted to apply and does not download or execute any script with a run_order less than this.

This value must be a non-negative integer or null.


If you define run_order as null, the procedure assigns an integer based on the value of remote_id. If remote_id is null, the procedure assigns a value equal to the run_order value in ml_passthrough, plus 10. If remote_id is not null, the procedure assigns the maximum value of the run_order column for the remote_id in the ml_passthrough table plus 10.

For DB2 mainframe consolidated database types, this procedure is called ml_add_pt. See IBM DB2 mainframe system procedure name conversions.

See also