Lesson 5: Monitoring your MobiLink synchronization using log files

After the tables are synchronized, you can view the progress of the synchronization using the message log files you created with each command line, mlserver.mls, rem1.txt, and rem2.txt. The default location of these files is the directory where the command was run.

To find errors in a MobiLink synchronization log file
  1. Open your log file in a text editor. For this tutorial, the log file is mlserver.mls.

  2. Search the file for the string MobiLink Server started.

  3. Scan down the left side of the file. A line beginning with I. contains an informational message, and a line beginning with E. contains an error message.

  4. Note that beside the E. in this example, there is the following text:

    04/27 16:01:01. <Main>: Error: Unable to initialize communications stream 1: tcpip.

    This message indicates an error prior to the upload and download. There may be errors in the synchronization subscription or publication definitions.

  5. Look for the clause that begins as follows:

    SQL Anywhere Synchronization request from:

    This clause indicates that a synchronization request has been established.

  6. Look for the clause that begins Working on a request. This indicates that the client and server are communicating. You may get this message if you have specified a high level of verbosity.

To detect errors in your MobiLink synchronization client log file
  1. Open the client log file rem1.txt in a text editor.

  2. Search the file for the string COMMIT. If it appears, your synchronization was successful.

  3. Search the file for the string ROLLBACK. If the transaction was rolled back, there were errors that prevented it from completing.

  4. Scan down the left side of the file. If you see an E., you have an error. If you do not have any errors, your synchronization has completed successfully.

Further reading

For more information about MobiLink server log files, see Logging MobiLink server actions.