Logging MobiLink server actions

Logging the actions that the server takes is particularly useful during the development process and when troubleshooting. Verbose output is not recommended for normal operation of a production environment because it can slow performance.

Logging output to a file

Logging output is sent to the MobiLink server messages window. In addition, you can send the output to a message log file using the -o option. The following command sends output to a message log file named mlsrv.log.

mlsrv11 -o mlsrv.log -c ...

You can control the size of log files, and specify what you want done when a file reaches its maximum size.

  • Use the -o option to specify that a log file should be used.

  • Use the -ot option to specify that a log file should be used when you want the previous contents of the file to be deleted before messages are sent to it.

  • In addition to -o or -ot, use the -on option to specify the size at which the log file is renamed with the extension .old and a new file is started with the original name.

  • In addition to -o or -ot, use the -os option to specify the size at which a new log file is started with a new name based on the date and a sequential number.


Controlling the amount of logging output

You can control what information is logged to the message log file and displayed in the MobiLink server window using the -v option. See -v option.

Controlling which warning messages are reported

You can also control which warning messages are reported.

For more information, see:

Viewing MobiLink server logs