Lesson 4: Run MobiLink synchronization

To run the synchronizations for remote1 and remote2
  1. Start the MobiLink server by running the MobiLink server utility (mlsrv11):

    • At a command prompt, type the following command:

      mlsrv11 -c "dsn=sa_cons" -o mlserver.mls -v+ -dl -zu+ -x tcpip

    For information about mlsrv11 options, see MobiLink server options.

    A message indicating the MobiLink server is ready to handle requests appears in the MobiLink Server window.

  2. Initiate synchronizations by running the MobiLink synchronization client utility (dbmlsync).

    • To synchronize remote1, at a command prompt, type the following command on a single line:

      dbmlsync -c "eng=remote1;uid=DBA;pwd=sql" -o rem1.txt -v+
    • To synchronize remote2, at a command prompt, type the following command on a single line:

      dbmlsync -c "eng=remote2;uid=DBA;pwd=sql" -o rem2.txt -v+

    For a complete list of dbmlsync options, see MobiLink SQL Anywhere client utility (dbmlsync).

    When the MobiLink synchronization client is started, a message indicating that the MobiLink synchronization succeeded appears in the DBMLSync window.

Further reading

For more information about the MobiLink server, see MobiLink server.

For a complete list of mlsrv11 options, see MobiLink server options.

For more information about the dbmlsync, see SQL Anywhere clients.

For a complete list of dbmlsync options, see MobiLink SQL Anywhere client utility (dbmlsync).