Using gateways as an alternative to light weight pollers

A gateway is a mechanism used to send push notifications. They are an alternative to light weight pollers and require a constant network connection.

Gateway properties are configured on a MobiLink server. You can configure multiple gateways on a single MobiLink server. See MobiLink server settings for server-initiated synchronization.

Supported gateways

The following gateways are supported on the MobiLink server:

  • SYNC gateway   The SYNC gateway is a TCP/IP-based gateway; push notifications are sent through the same protocol as your MobiLink synchronizations.

    The default SYNC gateway is named Default-SYNC. Typically, the default gateway settings do not need to be changed.

    See SYNC gateway properties.

  • UDP gateway   The UDP gateway sends push notifications through a UDP gateway.

    The default UDP gateway is named Default-UDP. Typically, the default gateway settings do not need to be changed. Listeners use UDP by default when listening for push notifications.

    See UDP gateway properties.

  • SMTP gateway   The SMTP gateway sends push notifications using an email-to-SMS carrier service.

    The default SMTP gateway is named Default-SMTP.

    See SMTP gateway properties.

Device tracking gateway

In addition to the supported gateways, you can configure a device tracking gateway which automatically chooses the most appropriate gateway to send push notifications. The default device tracking gateway is Default-DeviceTracker. It is recommended that you use this gateway if you do not want to use a light weight poller. For more information about device tracking, see Device tracking gateways.