SYNC gateway properties

SYNC gateway properties allow you to change the behavior of a SYNC gateway. All SYNC gateway properties are optional. For more information on setting these properties, see MobiLink server settings for server-initiated synchronization.

Property Value Description
confirm_action { yes | no } Specifies whether confirmation is sent on delivery through this gateway. The default value is no.
confirm_delivery { yes | no } Specifies whether this gateway confirms delivery. The default value is no.
confirm_timeout number{ s | m | h } Specifies the amount of time to wait before confirmations timeout. The following is a list of acceptable time units:
  • s: Denotes seconds.
  • m: Denotes minutes.
  • h: Denotes hours.
The default value is 1m. Time units can be combined in the HHh MMm SSs format. If a time unit is not specified, time is measured in seconds.
description description_text Describes the gateway.
enable { yes | no } Specifies whether the SYNC gateway should be used.
Listeners_are_900 { yes | no } Specifies whether all Listeners are Adaptive Server Anywhere 9.0.0 clients. The default value is no. Leave this value at no for Adaptive Server Anywhere 9.0.1 clients or later.