UDP gateway properties

UDP gateway properties allow you to change the behavior of an UPD gateway, such as the IP address and the port number. All UDP gateway properties are optional. For more information on setting these properties, see MobiLink server settings for server-initiated synchronization.

Property Value Description
confirm_action { yes | no } Specifies whether confirmation is sent on delivery through this gateway. The default value is no.
confirm_delivery { yes | no } Specifies whether this gateway confirms delivery. The default value is yes.
confirm_timeout number{ s | m | h } Specifies the amount of time to wait before confirmations timeout. The following is a list of acceptable time units:
  • s: Denotes seconds.
  • m: Denotes minutes.
  • h: Denotes hours.
The default value is 1m. Time units can be combined in the HHh MMm SSs format. If a time unit is not specified, time is measured in seconds.
description description_text Describes the gateway.
enable { yes | no } Specifies whether the UDP gateway should be used.
Listeners_are_900 { yes | no } Specifies whether all Listeners are Adaptive Server Anywhere 9.0.0 clients. The default value is no. For Adaptive Server Anywhere 9.0.1 clients or later, leave this value at no.
Listener_port port_number Specifies the port that the remote devices uses to send UDP packets. The default value is 5001.
sender IP_address_or_hostname Used for multi-homed hosts only. Specifies the IP address or hostname of the sender. The default value is localhost.
sender_port port_number Specifies the port number used to send UDP packets. By default, a free port number is randomly assigned by the operating system.