MobiLink Listener C API for Palm devices

The MobiLink Listener C API for Palm devices is a compact programming interface that contains message processing and device dependent methods, which can be used to create Listeners for new Palm devices, and wireless network adapters.

Listener API files

The following is a list of files required to run the API, and the Palm device sample implementations. All directories are relative to install-dir.

File name or location Description


Runtime library, which includes a message handling routine, Listener controls, and a handler editor.


Contains UI resources.


Runtime library header and the API.


Treo 650 implementation.

Message processing methods

The Listener API uses the a_palm_msg structure to represent Listener messages. The following methods are used to allocate and process a_palm_msg instances:

Method Description

PalmLsnAllocate method

Returns a new a_palm_msg instance.

PalmLsnDupMessage method

Initializes the message field values of an a_palm_msg instance.

PalmLsnDupSender method

Initializes the sender field of an a_palm_msg instance.

PalmLsnDupTime method

Initializes the time field of an a_palm_msg instance.

PalmLsnFree method

Frees message memory resources.

PalmLsnProcess method

Processes a message according to the records in a configuration database.

Device dependent methods

The following methods provide identification, registration, and event handling functionality:

Method Description

PalmLsnCheckConfigDB method

Reports errors in a Listener configuration database.

PalmLsnGetConfigFileName method

Returns a string containing the name of your Listener configuration database.

PalmLsnNormalHandleEvent method

Handles application events.

PalmLsnNormalStart method

Provides custom actions when your Listener application starts.

PalmLsnNormalStop method

Provides custom actions when your Listener application exits from the event loop.

PalmLsnSpecialLaunch method

Responds to launch codes which may be device dependent.

PalmLsnTargetCompanyID method

Returns the company or manufacturer ID of a device.

PalmLsnTargetDeviceID method

Returns the target device ID.

LsnMain method
palm_lsn_ret enumeration
PalmLsnAllocate method
PalmLsnCheckConfigDB method
PalmLsnDupMessage method
PalmLsnDupSender method
PalmLsnDupTime method
PalmLsnFree method
PalmLsnGetConfigFileName method
PalmLsnNormalHandleEvent method
PalmLsnNormalStart method
PalmLsnNormalStop method
PalmLsnProcess method
PalmLsnSpecialLaunch method
PalmLsnTargetCompanyID method
PalmLsnTargetDeviceID method