PalmLsnCheckConfigDB method

Reports errors in a Listener configuration database.

palm_lsn_ret PalmLsnCheckConfigDB(
 Char const *  cfg,
 UInt16 * const rec
  • cfg   A character array containing the name of the configuration database. To obtain the configuration database name, use the PalmLsnGetConfigFileName method. See PalmLsnGetConfigFileName method.

  • rec   An output parameter identifying the index of a problematic or malformed record in the configuration database.


One of the return codes listed in the palm_lsn_ret enumeration. See palm_lsn_ret enumeration.


You can use this method to detect errors opening a configuration database or reading its records.

See also

The following example uses PalmLsnCheckConfigDB to detect problematic or malformed records in a configuration database:

Err     ret;
UInt16  badRec;
Char    configDb[dmDBNameLength];

// Get configuration database name

// check for errors in the configuration database
ret = PalmLsnCheckConfigDB(configDb, &badRec);
if (ret!=errNone) {
    // handle error