Listener utility for Palm devices

Listener deployment

For Palm applications to use server-initiated synchronization, a Listener must be installed on the device. The following is a list of Listener files that must be deployed:

  • LsnT650.prc   The Listener on Treo 650.

  • Configuration file   A configuration file must be created on a Windows desktop using the Listener configuration utility. Currently, Listeners only read from the lsncfg.pdb configuration file.

Treo devices do not need to be turned on for the Listener to operate.

Listener options

The Listener allows you to set three options. These options are in effect until they are explicitly changed, or until a reset is performed.

  • Listening   A way to stop the Listener from consuming messages.

  • Enable Actions   This is applicable only when listening is enabled. When disabled, actions are not initiated.

  • Prompt Before Actions   This is applicable only when actions are enabled. When this option is set, a confirmation window pops up before an action is initiated.

Additional Palm support

The MobiLink Listener C API for Palm devices is provided to support other Palm devices. See MobiLink Listener C API for Palm devices.