Deploying QAnywhere applications

QAnywhere provides C++, Java, and .NET API support for SQL Anywhere message stores. The Java and .NET APIs also support UltraLite message stores. The files required for deploying QAnywhere applications are based on your Windows environment, message store type, and API selection. Additional files are required if you are developing Mobile Web Service applications.

In addition to the files listed below, a QAnywhere application requires:

To deploy Sybase Central, see Deploying administration tools.

Windows applications

All directories are relative to install-dir.

For more details on the file structure of a Windows Mobile environment, see Windows Mobile applications.

The following is a list of files required to set up a SQL Anywhere message store.

Client API Windows files


  • bin32\qany11.dll
  • bin32\qaagent.exe
  • bin32\qastop.exe


  • bin32\qaagent.exe
  • bin32\qastop.exe
  • java\qaclient.jar
  • java\jodbc.jar

For Mobile Web Service applications, you also need the following:

  • java\iawsrt.jar
  • java\jaxrpc.jar


  • bin32\qazlib.dll
  • bin32\qaagent.exe
  • bin32\qastop.exe
  • assembly\v2\iAnywhere.QAnywhere.Client.dll
  • assembly\v2\iAnywhere.QAnywhere.Resources.dll
  • assembly\v2\iAnywhere.Data.SQLAnywhere.dll

For Mobile Web Service applications, you also need the following:

  • Assembly\v2\iAnywhere.QAnywhere.WS.dll

The following is a list of files required to set up an UltraLite message store with deployments using QAnywhere Agent.

Client API Windows files


  • bin32\qauagent.exe
  • bin32\qastop.exe
  • bin32\qadbiuljni.dll
  • java\qaclient.jar

For Mobile Web Service applications, you also need the following:

  • java\iawsrt.jar
  • java\jaxrpc.jar


  • bin32\qazlib.dll
  • bin32\qauagent.exe
  • bin32\qastop.exe
  • assembly\v2\iAnywhere.QAnywhere.Client.dll
  • assembly\v2\iAnywhere.QAnywhere.Resources.dll
  • ultralite\ultralite.NET\assembly\v2\iAnywhere.Data.UltraLite.dll

For Mobile Web Service applications, you also need the following:

  • Assembly\v2\iAnywhere.QAnywhere.WS.dll

When creating an UltraLite message store, you must create a udb database file using the UltraLite Create Database utility, then initialize the database using the QAnywhere UltraLite Agent's -si option. See UltraLite Create Database utility (ulcreate) and qauagent utility.

The following is a list of files required to set up a deployment with the QAnywhere standalone client.

Client API Windows files


  • java\qastandaloneclient.jar
  • bin32\qadbiulsjni.dll


  • assembly\v2\iAnywhere.QAnywhere.StandAloneClient.dll
  • assembly\v2\iAnywhere.QAnywhere.Resources.dll
  • ultralite\ultralite.NET\assembly\v2\iAnywhere.Data.UltraLite.dll
Windows Mobile applications

All directories are relative to install-dir.

For more details on the file structure of a Windows environment, see Windows applications.

The following is a list of files required to set up a SQL Anywhere message store.

Client API Windows Mobile files


  • ce\arm.50\qany11.dll
  • ce\arm.50\qaagent.exe
  • ce\arm.50\qastop.exe


  • ce\arm.50\qaagent.exe
  • ce\arm.50\qastop.exe
  • java\qaclient.jar
  • java\jodbc.jar

For Mobile Web Service applications, you also need the following:

  • java\iawsrt.jar
  • java\jaxrpc.jar


  • ce\arm.50\qazlib.dll
  • ce\arm.50\qaagent.exe
  • ce\arm.50\qastop.exe
  • ce\assembly\v2\iAnywhere.QAnywhere.Client.dll
  • ce\assembly\v2\iAnywhere.QAnywhere.Resources.dll
  • ce\assembly\v2\iAnywhere.Data.SQLAnywhere.dll

For Mobile Web Service applications, you also need the following:

  • ce\Assembly\v2\iAnywhere.QAnywhere.WS.dll

The following is a list of files required to set up an UltraLite message store with deployments using QAnywhere Agent.

Client API Windows Mobile files


  • ce\arm.50\qauagent.exe
  • ce\arm.50\qastop.exe
  • ce\arm.50\qadbiuljni.dll
  • java\qaclient.jar

For Mobile Web Service applications, you also need the following:

  • java\iawsrt.jar
  • java\jaxrpc.jar


  • ce\arm.50\qazlib.dll
  • ce\arm.50\qauagent.exe
  • ce\arm.50\qastop.exe
  • ce\assembly\v2\iAnywhere.QAnywhere.Client.dll
  • ce\assembly\v2\iAnywhere.QAnywhere.Resources.dll
  • ultralite\ultralite.NET\ce\assembly\v2\iAnywhere.Data.UltraLite.dll

For Mobile Web Service applications, you also need the following:

  • ce\Assembly\v2\iAnywhere.QAnywhere.WS.dll

When creating an UltraLite message store, you must create a database file using the UltraLite Create Database utility, then initialize the database using the -si option for the QAnywhere UltraLite Agent. See UltraLite Create Database utility (ulcreate) and qauagent utility.

The following is a list of files required to set up a deployment with the QAnywhere standalone client.

Client API Windows Mobile files


  • java\qastandaloneclient.jar
  • ce\arm.50\qadbiulsjni.dll


  • ce\assembly\v2\iAnywhere.QAnywhere.StandAloneClient.dll
  • ce\assembly\v2\iAnywhere.QAnywhere.Resources.dll
  • ultralite\ultralite.NET\ce\assembly\v2\iAnywhere.Data.UltraLite.dll
Registering the QAnywhere .NET API DLL

The QAnywhere .NET API DLL (Assembly\v2\iAnywhere.QAnywhere.Client.dll) needs to be registered in the Global Assembly Cache on Windows (except on Windows Mobile). The Global Assembly Cache lists all the registered programs on your computer. When you install SQL Anywhere, the installation program registers it. In Windows Mobile you do not need to register the DLL.

If you are deploying QAnywhere, you must register the QAnywhere .NET API DLL (Assembly\v2\iAnywhere.QAnywhere.Client.dll) using the gacutil utility that is included with the .NET Framework.