qauagent utility

Use the QAnywhere UltraLite Agent (qauagent) to send and receive messages for all QAnywhere applications on a single client device. This utility should only be used when the client message store is an UltraLite database.


The dbmlsync utility, which is designed to synchronize SQL Anywhere message stores, does not support UltraLite message stores.

qauagent [ option ... ]
Option Description
@data Reads options from the specified environment variable or configuration file. See @data option.
-c connection-string Specifies a connection string to the client message store. See -c option.
-fd seconds Specifies the delay time between retry attempts to the primary server. See -fd option.
-fr number-of-retries Specifies the number of retries to connect to the primary server after a connection failure. See -fr option.
-id id Specifies the ID of the client message store that the QAnywhere UltraLite Agent is to connect to. See -id option.
-idl download-size Specifies the maximum size of a download to use during a message transmission. See -idl option.
-iu upload-size Specifies the maximum size of an upload to use during a message transmission. See -iu option.
-lp number Specifies the port on which the Listener listens for notifications from the MobiLink server. The default is 5001. See -lp option.
-mn password Specifies a new password for the MobiLink user. See -mn option.
-mp password Specifies the password for the MobiLink user. See -mp option.
-mu username Specifies the MobiLink user. See -mp option.
-o logfile Specifies a file to which to log output messages. See -o option.
-on size Specifies a maximum size for the QAnywhere UltraLite Agent message log file, after which the file is renamed with the extension .old and a new file is started. See -on option.
-os size Specifies a maximum size for the QAnywhere UltraLite Agent message log file, after which a new log file with a new name is created and used. See -os option.
-ot logfile Specifies a file to which to log output messages. See -ot option.
-policy policy-type Specifies the transmission policy used by the QAnywhere UltraLite Agent. See -policy option.
-push mode Enables or disables push notifications. The default is enabled. See -push option.
-q Starts the QAnywhere UltraLite Agent in quiet mode with the window minimized in the system tray. See -q option.
-qi Starts the QAnywhere UltraLite Agent in quiet mode with the window completely hidden. See -qi option.
-si Initializes the database for use as a client message store. See -si option.
-v [levels] Specifies a level of verbosity. See -v option.
-x { http|tcpip|tls|https } [ (keyword=value;...) ] Specifies protocol options for communication with the MobiLink server. See -x option.
-xd Specifies that the QAnywhere UltraLite Agent should use dynamic addressing of the MobiLink server. See -xd option.
See also

@data option
-c option
-fd option
-fr option
-id option
-idl option
-iu option
-lp option
-mn option
-mp option
-mu option
-o option
-on option
-os option
-ot option
-policy option
-push option
-q option
-qi option
-si option
-v option
-x option
-xd option