Connection class

Represents a connection to an UltraLite database.

Connections are instantiated using one of the following methods:

You must open a connection before carrying out any other operation, and you must close the connection after you have finished all operations on the connection and before your application terminates.

You must close all tables opened on a connection before closing the connection.

When a JavaScript Error is thrown because of a failed UltraLite database operation, the SQL error code is set on the sqlCode field of the Connection object.

cancelGetNotification method
changeEncryptionKey method
close method
commit method
countUploadRow method
createNotificationQueue method
declareEvent method
destroyNotificationQueue method
executeNextSQLPassthroughScript method
getDatabaseID method
getGlobalAutoIncrementUsage method
getLastDownloadTime method
getLastIdentity method
getNewUUID method
getNotification method
getNotificationParameter method
getSQLPassthroughScriptCount method
getTable method
grantConnectTo method
isOpen method
prepareStatement method
registerForEvent method
resetLastDownloadTime method
revokeConnectFrom method
rollback method
rollbackPartialDownload method
saveSyncParms method
sendNotification method
setDatabaseID method
startSynchronizationDelete method
stopSynchronizationDelete method
synchronize method
synchronizeWithParm method
triggerEvent method
validateDatabase method