
Prototype Description
Boolean autoCommit

Controls whether a commit is performed after each statement (insert, update or delete).

If autoCommit is false, a commit or rollback is performed only when the user invokes the commit() or rollback() method.

By default, a database commit is performed after each successful statement. If the commit fails, you have the option to execute additional SQL statements and perform the commit again, or execute a rollback statement.

String openParms (read-only)

Gets the connection parameters string as a semicolon-separated list of name=value pairs.

See UltraLite connection parameters reference.

DatabaseSchema databaseSchema (read-only) Gets the database schema. This property is valid only while its connection is open.
Boolean skipMBASync (read-write)

Controls whether the database should be synchronized during one-button synchronization (false) or whether it should be skipped (true).

Default is false.

See One-button synchronization.

Int32 sqlCode (read-only)

Gets the SQL Code of the last operation on this connection.

The SQL Code is the standard SQL Anywhere code and is reset by any subsequent UltraLite database operation on this connection.

SyncParms syncParms (read-only)

Gets synchronization settings for this connection.

See Synchronization parameters for UltraLite.

SyncResult syncResult (read-only)

Gets the results of the most recent synchronization for this connection.

See Synchronization parameters for UltraLite.

INVALID_DATABASE_ID (read-only) A constant indicating an invalid database.