PingOnly property

Specifies whether the client should only ping the MobiLink server instead of performing a real synchronization.

Visual Basic

Public Property PingOnly As Boolean

public bool PingOnly  { get; set; }
Property value

True to specify that the client should only ping the MobiLink server, false to specify the client should perform a real synchronization. The default is false.


At most, only one synchronization command (ULSyncParms.DownloadOnly, ULSyncParms.PingOnly, ULSyncParms.ResumePartialDownload, or ULSyncParms.UploadOnly) can be specified at a time. If more than one of these parameters is set to true, a ULSQLCode.SQLE_SYNC_INFO_INVALID SQLException is thrown by ULConnection.Synchronize().

See also