ULSyncParms members

Public properties
Member name Description

AuthenticationParms property

Specifies parameters for a custom user authentication script (MobiLink authenticate_parameters connection event).

CheckpointStore property

Specifies whether the client should perform extra store checkpoints to control the growth of the database store during synchronization.

DisableConcurrency property

Specifies whether concurrent access to UltraLite while performing a synchronization.

DownloadOnly property

Specifies whether to disable or enable uploads when synchronizing.

KeepPartialDownload property

Specifies whether to disable or enable partial downloads when synchronizing.

NewPassword property

Specifies a new MobiLink password for the user specified with UserName.

Password property

The MobiLink password for the user specified by UserName.

PingOnly property

Specifies whether the client should only ping the MobiLink server instead of performing a real synchronization.

Publications property

Specifies the publications to be synchronized.

ResumePartialDownload property

Specifies whether to resume or discard a previous partial download.

SendColumnNames property

Specifies whether the client should send column names to the MobiLink server during synchronization.

SendDownloadAck property

Specifies whether the client should send a download acknowledgement to the MobiLink server during synchronization. The download acknowledgement is sent after the download has been fully applied and committed at the remote (a positive acknowledgement) or after the download fails (a negative acknowledgement).

Stream property

Specifies the MobiLink synchronization stream to use for synchronization.

StreamParms property

Specifies the parameters to configure the synchronization stream.

TableOrder property

Specifies the order tables should be uploaded to the consolidated database.

UploadOnly property

Specifies whether to disable or enable downloads when synchronizing.

UserName property

The user name that uniquely identifies the MobiLink client to the MobiLink server.

Version property

Specifies which synchronization script to use.

Public methods
Member name Description

CopyFrom method

Copies the properties of the specified ULSyncParms object to this ULSyncParms object.

See also